Here we are at the beginning of a new school year. We look forward to another happy and successful year together.
Useful information for Parents/Guardians:-
Class Teacher: Mrs Sian Lloyd
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Lorraine Mathias
Here is our Class One Page Profile/ Dyma Broffil Un Dudalen ein dosbarth:
Please click on the photograph below to enjoy a tour of our class...
THEME-Our chosen theme for this term is ‘Yma o Hyd - Children of the Revolution’
Please click here for the class overview.
Each pupil in Years 3 a will be given a Homework book and we kindly ask each child to complete their homework weekly. You will be expected to return the homework book to school, and we kindly ask that this book is used to display their work or to show workings out. Homework will be set weekly on a Monday and we kindly ask that it is completed by the following Friday.We will expect the work to be completed neatly in the homework book with the date on the top of the page. Spelling- Spelling words, Welsh/English alternatively will be given on a Monday and the children will need to practice these at home before having a spelling quiz on a Friday with the words learnt.
This term children will receive reading records and books which will be sent home daily and returned to school every each day. It is important all reading books are returned to school as we have a limited number of reading resources. We kindly ask for a donation of £5 for all lost books.Digital books are also still available through the HWB platform and we will also be giving the children a Welsh digital book on our new app Darllen co.
PE lessons will take place on a Monday and Friday. The children will need to wear a comfortable PE kit, including suitable footwear. Your child will have a password card with all their user names and passwords for the various apps/programs that they will use during the year