Hendy Primary recognises that all children have different needs, as all children are unique, but believe that collaborative working between parents, teachers and children is the key to ensuring all children have the best possible education. Whilst we strive to meet the needs of all of our pupils through high quality teaching, good classroom organisation and differentiation, we understand that there may be times when some children require additional support to reach their potential. We are proud of our robust systems that ensure needs are identified and appropriate support is put in place.
Mae Ysgol Gynradd yr Hendy yn cydnabod bod gan bob plentyn anghenion gwahanol, gan fod pob plentyn yn unigryw, ond yn credu mai cydweithio rhwng rhieni, athrawon a phlant yw’r allwedd i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael yr addysg orau bosibl. Er ein bod yn ymdrechu i ddiwallu anghenion ein holl ddisgyblion trwy addysgu o ansawdd uchel, trefniadaeth ystafell ddosbarth dda a gwahaniaethu, rydym yn deall y gall fod adegau pan fydd angen cymorth ychwanegol ar rai plant i gyrraedd eu potensial. Rydym yn falch o'n systemau cadarn sy'n sicrhau bod anghenion yn cael eu nodi a bod cymorth priodol yn cael ei roi ar waith.
Our Pupil Progress Policy /Ein Polisi Cynnydd Disgybl:
We have a range of robust measures in place to ensure that children's progress across the curriculum is monitored. To ensure all children make as much progress as possible, at their level, we :
Ensure our Pupil Progress team hold termly pupil progress meetings with each class teacher, to monitor the progress of every child.
Monitor the progress data of all children in different categories (eFSM, ALN, cohorts).
Use a range of assessment tools to identify children's attainment and any areas of weakness.
Provide children with appropriate interventions where a delay in skills has been identified.
Monitor children's progress through interventions and feed this back to parents at parents' evenings.
Involve outside agencies to provide support for children's specific needs.
Mae gennym ystod o fesurau cadarn ar waith i sicrhau bod cynnydd plant ar draws y cwricwlwm yn cael ei fonitro
Er mwyn sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn gwneud cymaint o gynnydd â phosibl, ar eu lefel nhw, rydym yn sicrhau ein bod yn:
Aseswch gynnydd plant ym mhynciau'r cwricwlwm yn rheolaidd trwy ddefnyddio Taith360, gan ganiatáu inni nodi bylchau yn nysgu plant
Cynnal cyfarfodydd cynnydd disgyblion yn dymhorol gyda phob athro dosbarth, ynghyd â’r Tîm Asesu a’r Cydlynydd ADY i fonitro cynnydd pob plentyn.
Monitro data cynnydd yr holl blant mewn categorïau gwahanol (eFSM, ADY, carfannau).
Defnyddio ystod o offer asesu i nodi cyrhaeddiad plant ac unrhyw feysydd gwan
Darparu ymyriadau priodol i blant pan fo oedi mewn sgiliau wedi’i nodi
Monitro cynnydd plant trwy ymyriadau a bwydo hyn yn ôl i rieni mewn nosweithiau rhieni
Cynnwys asiantaethau allanol i ddarparu cymorth ar gyfer anghenion penodol plant
What is an Additional Learning Need or ALN?
Additional Learning Need or ALN is a relatively new term which has come into use through Welsh Government's ALNET Wales Act 2018 and is used to describe learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for a child to learn compared to other children of the same age. This is similar to the previously used term Special Educational Need or SEN but since the introduction of the ALNET Wales Act this can now be used for children and young people aged from 0-25, meaning this now encompasses a wider part of the learning journey. Approximately one in five learners in Wales have Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
At Hendy School we understand that all children may experience challenges with their learning at some point and for most children, these difficulties can be overcome with support from teachers and home. However, children with a specific ALN are likely to need extra or different help to be able to learn. Some Additional Learning Needs may relate to a disability or medical condition, but this is not necessarily the case.
The definition of ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN) according to the ALNET Wales Act 2018 (Part 2, Chapter 1) (Chapter 2 ALN Code) is:
"A person has additional learning needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability (whether the learning difficulty or disability arises from a medical condition or otherwise) which calls for additional learning provision."
A child or young person would not have ALN if their lack of progress or learning difficulties can be addressed through differentiated teaching of the kind that is usually available to every pupil in school. (Step 1 below)
Additional learning needs can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. For example, someone’s ALN might affect their:
and where a need is identified we seek to support appropriately and in a timely manner.
Our Additional Learning Needs One Page Profile / Ein Proffil Un Dudalen ar Gyfer Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
Please click here to view our profile/ Cliciwch i weld ein proffil
Our aims for ALN / Ein nodau ar gyfer ADY
Children who meet the criteria for having ALN will be supported by all members of teaching and pastoral staff in an environment that is arranged to enable them to access every learning opportunity.
As a school we strive:
To provide an inclusive, equitable learning environment for all children.
To meet the needs of all pupils through high quality teaching, classroom organisation and differentiation.
To have a robust and continually developing level of Universal Provision, which meets the needs of all learners.
To have a wide range of effective Additional Learning Provision that is based on educational research.
To ensure that all pupils can access a broad and balanced curriculum.
To ensure that early identification of a pupil’s needs is made and appropriate interventions are put in place.
To ensure that ALN pupils take as full a part as possible in all school activities.
To use Person Centred Practices where the pupil, parents, school staff and outside support agencies are involved from the beginning in planning actions and ways forward to support pupils with ALN.
To ensure that parents are given regular opportunities to be informed of their child’s progress.
To ensure that ALN pupils are involved, where practical, in decisions affecting their future ALN provision and that all decisions are in the best interests of the child.
To work in partnership with parents, pupils and other agencies e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapists, Social Workers, School Nurse etc.
Bydd plant sy’n bodloni’r meini prawf ar gyfer ADY yn cael eu cefnogi ga bob aelod o’r staff addysgu a bugeiliol mewn amgylchedd sydd wedi’i drefnu i’w galluogi i fanteisio ar bob cyfle dysgu.
Fel ysgol, rydym yn ymdrechu:
Darparu amgylchedd dysgu cynhwysol a theg i bob plentyn.
Diwallu anghenion pob disgybl trwy addysgu o ansawdd uchel, trefniadaeth ystafell ddosbarth a gwahaniaethu.
Bod â lefel gadarn o Ddarpariaeth Gyffredinol sy’n datblygu’n barhaus, sy’n bodloni anghenion pob dysgwr.
Cael ystod eang o Ddarpariaeth Dysgu Ychwanegol effeithiol sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil addysgol.
Sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn gallu cael mynediad i Gwricwlwm Eang a Chytbwys.
Sicrhau bod anghenion disgybl yn cael eu hadnabod yn gynnar a bod ymyriadau priodol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith.
Sicrhau bod disgyblion ADY yn cymryd rhan mor llawn a phosibl yn holl weithgareddau’r ysgol.
Defnyddio Arferion sy’n Canolbwyntio ar yr Unigolyn lle mae’r disgybl, rhieni, staff yr ysgol ac asiantaethau cymorth allanol yn ymwneud o’r dechrau â chynllunio camau gweithredu a ffyrdd ymlaen i gefnogi disgyblion ag ADY.
Sicrhau bod rhieni’n cael cyfleoedd rheolaidd i gael gwybod am gynnydd eu plentyn.
Sicrhau bod disgyblion ADY yn cael eu cynnwys, lle bo hynny’n ymarferol, mewn penderfyniadau sy’n effeithio ar eu darpariaeth ADY yn y dyfodol a bod pob penderfyniad er lles gorau’r plentyn.
Gweithio mewn partneriaeth â rhieni, disgyblion ac asiantaethau eraill e.e. Seicolegydd Addysg, Therapyddion Lleferydd, Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol, Nyrs Ysgol ac ati.
Our ALN Panel / Ein Panel ADY
When a query is raised regarding additional support for a pupil, our ALN panel will review all of the data and information gathered and collectively decide on the next steps for that child, using their broad range of expertise. The decision on whether or not a pupil has an additional learning need will be clearly communicated and further support sought from the Local Authority if necessary. Planning the way forward will include the pupil, their parents and all adults around the child to ensure consistent support is in place. Please click here to view our parent letter explaining the role of our panel further.
Pan godir ymholiad ynghylch cymorth ychwanegol i ddisgybl, bydd ein panel ADY yn adolygu’r holl ddata a’r wybodaeth a gasglwyd ac yn penderfynu ar y cyd ar y camau nesaf ar gyfer y plentyn hwnnw, gan ddefnyddio eu hystod eang o arbenigedd. Bydd y penderfyniad ynghylch a oes gan ddisgybl angen dysgu ychwanegol ai peidio yn cael ei gyfleu’n glir a gofynnir am gymorth pellach gan yr Awdurdod Lleol os bydd angen. Bydd cynllunio’r ffordd ymlaen yn cynnwys y disgybl , ei rieni a’r holl oedolion o amgylch y plentyn i sicrhau bod cefnogaeth gyson yn ei le.
What to do if you have concerns / Beth i'w wneud os oes gennych bryderon
The best way to support your child is for all of us to work together as a team. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to raise them with us. Your first port of call is your child's class teacher and they will ensure your concerns are passed to our ALN team.
Y ffordd orau i gefnogi eich plentyn yw i ni gyd weithio fel tîm. Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon, mae croeso i chi eu codi gyda ni. Y man cyswllt cyntaf yw athro dosbarth eich plentyn a byddant yn sicrhau bod eich pryderon yn cael eu trosglwyddo i'n tîm ADY.