
Ysgol yr Hendy

Law yn llaw, gyda’n gilydd, cymaint mwy





Mrs Groves

Ein Cynorthwyydd ELSA / Our ELSA Co-ordinator


Cymorth Llythrennedd Emosiynol
Emotional Literacy Support

Mae'n bwysig gofalu am ein lles emosiynol felly dyma rai adnoddau i helpu gyda hyn.
Os ydych yn poeni am les emosiynol eich plentyn, cysylltwch ag Athro/Athrawes eich plentyn neu Miss D'Angelo


It's important to look after our emotional wellbeing and therefore here are some resources to help with this.
If you're worried about your child's emotional wellbeing, please contact your child's class teacher or Miss D'Angelo.



Beth yw ELSA?

Mae ELSA (Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Llythrennedd Emosiynol) yn gynorthwyydd addysgu  sydd â chyfoeth o brofiad o weithio gyda phlant i gefnogi eu hanghenion emosiynol. Mae ELSAs yn cael eu hyfforddi a'u goruchwylio'n rheolaidd gan y seicolegwyr addysgol yr Awdurdod Lleol. Mae ELSA yn berson cynnes a gofalgar sydd am helpu eich plentyn i deimlo'n hapus yn yr ysgol ac i gyrraedd ei botensial yn addysgol. Eu nod yw cael gwared ar y rhwystrau i ddysgu a chael plant hapus yn yr ysgol ac yn y cartref.

What is ELSA?

An ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) is a teaching assistant with a wealth of experience of working with children to support their emotional needs. ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by an Educational Psychologists from the Local Authority. An ELSA is a warm and caring person who wants to help your child feel happy in school and to reach their potential educationally. Their aim is to remove the barriers to learning and to have happy children in school and at home.

"Drawing & Talking" therapi

Beth yw e?

Mae ‘Drawing & Talking’ yn therapi un-i-un sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn ac sy’n digwydd dros gyfnod o 12 wythnos, gan ganolbwyntio ar ataliaeth, ymyrraeth cynnar ac adferiad o drawma emosiynol. Mae “Drawing & Talking” yn ddull gwaith chwarae therapiwtig hynod effeithiol. Mae techneg Lluniadu a Siarad yn therapi tymor byr, diogel, i'w ddefnyddio gydag unrhyw un 5+ oed, sydd ag anawsterau emosiynol sylfaenol. Mae'n cefnogi'r rhai nad ydynt yn gwireddu eu llawn botensial naill ai'n academaidd, yn broffesiynol neu'n gymdeithasol. 

Pwrpas y dull yw, i dynnu llun gyda pherson y maent yn teimlo'n gyfforddus, yr un amser yn wythnosol. Bydd y person yma yn  gofyn nifer o gwestiynau anymwthiol am y llun. Dros amser canfyddir datrysiad symbolaidd i hen wrthdaro a chaiff trawma ei wella. Mae angen gwneud gwaith gyda phlant yn ddiogel a heb fod yn ymwthiol, gan barchu eu cyflymder. Dyma pam mae unrhyw un sy’n defnyddio “Drawing & Talking” yn dysgu aros ym myd lluniadu’r plentyn. Mae'r plentyn yn dewis y cyflymder ac yn penderfynu beth i ddod i'r sesiwn. Ar ôl cwblhau, mae plant yn fwy abl i reoli eu hymddygiad, yn gallu cael mynediad gwell at gwricwlwm academaidd ac, yn bwysicaf oll, mae ganddynt fwy o hunan-barch. Mae hyn yn sicrhau ac yn roi’r cyfle iddynt dyfu yn y byd o'u cwmpas. Rydym am i bob plentyn a pherson ifanc gael y cyfle i gyflawni a datblygu’r sgiliau a’r cymeriad i bontio’n llwyddiannus i fywyd oedolyn. 


What is it?

Drawing and Talking is a one-to-one person-centred therapy that takes place over a course of 12 weeks, focusing on prevention, early intervention and recovery from emotional trauma. Drawing and Talking is a highly effective therapeutic play work approach. Drawing and Talking technique is a safe, short-term, time-limited therapy to be used with anyone age 5+ who has suffered trauma or has underlying emotional difficulties. It supports those who are not realising their full potential either academically, professionally or socially.

The purpose of the method is to draw with a person they feel comfortable with at the same time each week. The trusted person will learn to ask a number of non-intrusive questions about the drawing. Over time a symbolic resolution is found to old conflicts and trauma is healed. Work with children needs to be carried out safely and non-intrusively, with respect for their own pace and state of being. This is why anyone using Drawing and Talking learns to stay in the world of the child’s drawing.

The child sets the pace and decides what to bring to the session.

After completion of Drawing and Talking therapy, children are more able to control their behaviour, better able to access an academic curriculum and, most importantly, have higher self-esteem. This allows them to thrive in the world around them. We want all children and young people to have the opportunity to achieve and develop the skills and character to make a successful transition into adult life.

Ein hystafell newydd ELSA/ Our new ELSA room.

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